Sunday, December 2, 2007

Welcome to Greene Futures

Welcome to Greene Futures, a forum to explore and harness watershed events, important movements and future trends.

The pace of change, the level of advance and the sheer unimaginable volume of information available to billions of eyes and ears unfolds toward us today in a dizzying torrent. And no one--Cincinnati office worker, Nicaraguan fruit farmer, Wall Street venture capitalist or Darfur refugee--is immune to the immense and often confusing undercurrents pulling inexorably into tomorrow.

How can you plan a life with blind doubt about what tomorrow will bring? How can you build a house without knowing what the housing market brings, structure your investment portfolio with no inkling of the next big thing, create laws without understanding their effects or venture to feed the world's poor without knowing how? Our decisions now not only build upon or hedge against what tomorrow will bring--wise action now creates desired futures.

It is the humble project of Greene Futures to wield the most powerful tool available to human beings--information--to both anticipate and thrive from the future. Information, like any tool, can be winnowed from crude beginnings into a fine precision instrument. We aim to hack through the bramble of words and pictures that assault us daily, in order to emerge with strategic intelligence. Guidance you can use now. Direction to give you a superior edge, to help you thrive. Power to emerge from the fray of the fast and furious, to reign high in a globalized world.

Foresight and relevance. Ability and opportunity. Wisdom and conscience.

Let the conversation begin...

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